In 2015, MobileCare Dental embarked on a mission to revolutionize healthcare delivery in Arkansas. Founded by Dr. Philip Morton and Barry Morton, MobileCare Dental began with a team of three individuals, driven by a vision of providing quality dental care to residents in long-term care facilities. Their journey was inspired by a recognition of the challenges faced by these individuals – the logistical barriers, the fear of unfamiliar environments, and the limited access to essential services.
Simultaneously, 2015 witnessed the inception of OnSight Vision Care, founded by Dr. Brent James. Sharing a similar desire to improve healthcare access, OnSight Vision embraced the mission to provide essential eye care services to residents in long-term care facilities. Dr. James recognized the profound impact that vision care could have on overall well-being and quality of life, echoing the sentiments of his dental counterparts.
From the outset, both companies prioritized patient well-being above all else. Understanding the importance of building trust and rapport, both had a patient first approach, ensuring that every interaction was guided by empathy and compassion. This singular focus on enhancing the quality of life for every individual they served, MobileCare Dental and OnSight Vision Care became trusted partners to many in the long-term care community.
In September 2023, MobileCare Dental and OnSight Vision Care joined forces, forming MobileCare Health Connect. This partnership marked the beginning of a new chapter in the provision of healthcare services to long-term care facilities. Recognizing the synergies between their missions and operations, the two companies united under a shared banner, leveraging their combined expertise and resources to better serve their communities.
Now, MobileCare Health Connect is more than just a company, we’re a team of growth minded individuals on a mission to make quality care accessible to those who need it most. We will never settle for mediocrity because we believe that our patients and our facilities deserve nothing less than our absolute best.